Day 119, more rain in New York

Yet another morning sitting in the tent, waiting for the rain to stop.

I probably sat longer than necessary too, just because the foliage was so dense, the rain continued dripping off the tree leaves long after it fell from the sky.

I made breakfast and coffee at one of the picnic tables nearby while putting off packing up my soaked tent.

Just after starting the days ride, I passed the first hint of fall. Dean, from Barkeater, said that the plateau above the town had a freeze last week, coercing the trees to start their autumn colors a little early.

I'm honestly not sure what town I stopped in for lunch. I noticed that Google maps has labels for the areas, consistent with what you expect from a map. But upon entering the area, the local businesses could be named after anyone of the two or three labels surrounding the area.

The point is, I was in the mountains, in one of four towns on the map. I ate a Philly cheesesteak at the diner to make up for missing Philadelphia. It was delicious.

Thankfully, the rain subsided after lunch. Everything I own was wet, but the scenery made up for it.

I planned to end up near Lake Placid, and lined up a warmshowers outside of Saranac lake.

At this point, I was thankful to have a roof over my head for a night. It probably wouldn't rain, but I just needed to get out of the weather.

Just outside of town, I passed one of the many stunning lakes in the area.

I met my warmshowers host just as they lit the candles for a birthday party inside. Once blown out, he showed me to my room and I headed into town, deadset on grabbing pizza. The first place I found on the quaint main street had a white pizza that sounded incredible: ricotta, garlic, etc.

I ate the whole thing.

And the sky is perfectly clear.
