Day 118, into the Adirondacks

Doug and I left to grab breakfast a little after 8 am. There was a diner about an hour away via bike that we agreed to meet at.

When I pulled up, the weather still overcast from the night before, Doug's Volvo was in the parking lot and I joined him for breakfast.

We both had the diner's special omelette - fantastic.

This is Doug.

Doug, thank you for your hospitality, kindness and hanging out with me. It means a lot.

The Adirondack mountains are beautiful. I wasn't originally going to head this way, but I am glad I did. A friend recommended the route after mentioning that I might head through Pennsylvania to Philadelphia. Despite really wanting to see Philly, I'd much rather be in the mountains than a big city.

Around two in the afternoon it started raining again.

By the way, Wikipedia claims that Adirondack means tree eater in the Mohawk language. Specifically, porcupine, or animal that eats bark...

Ahhhh that makes sense: Barkeater Craft Brewery.

I eventually ended up in Star Lake, a small town in the heart of the mountains. With no plans for the evening, I asked some of the employees at the gas station in town if they had any camping recommendations.

Aside from the designated area in Cranberry Lake, about ten miles up the road, they suggested a rest area in the middle. It should be quiet enough and I wouldn't be bothered.

Upon leaving the gas station, I captured the sky during sunset.

The rest area had a bunch of picnic tables and these little finger paths into the woods. I picked one on the right side and setup my tent in the dark. Everything was wet, and the forecast claimed the area would see rain for most of the night.
