Day 111, a little city life

Riding from the state park, I arrived in Buffalo New York by noon. Just a lazy, easy ride.

I explored the city a bit and then met my warmshowers host, Tyler. He is about my age, living in the heart of the city. He offered to let me camp in his backyard, which is wonderful, because big cities are more difficult to find places to setup my tent.

Tyler rode self supported from Buffalo to the west coast last year and his father runs a bicycle touring camp for teens. The whole family lives and breathes bicycles.

He suggested I head down to Allentown for dinner; a trendy, artsy area of Buffalo.

I really enjoyed walking around and eating Buffalo Poutine (standard poutine topped with chicken and buffalo sauce), while watching Arrested Development (one of my favorite series) on the diner's TV.

That is about it. No photos.

But, I'd like to discuss the future of this blog - I have a few ideas. Once I reach Boston in a couple weeks, the tour will be over and I'll fly back to the Bay Area.

I intend to go on some weekend bike packing trips, which should provide some fodder for blog posts, but that might happen once a month. Do you have any suggestions for other content I can post regularly?

My list so far:

  • Stories about the warmshowers guests that I'll host
  • Interactions with people while riding around the Bay Area
  • Gear reviews for camping, cycling, etc.
  • Cycle touring route guides
  • The van conversion (detailing the progress of converting a standard van into a camper)

I welcome any and all suggestions! What would you like to see?

Thanks folks.
