Day 101, into Madison

I woke to a cloudy morning, nestled in the hills of Wisconsin. Perfect riding weather.

When I camp near a town, I tend to visit the local coffee shop to warm up and grab a cup of coffee. But there wasn't much in this town; instant coffee on a picnic table is the next best option.

I traveled for about two hours before running into Richland Center. Ready for a short break, I googled places around town and found a doughnut shop on my phone. Upon arriving at the physical location, I discovered it was now a nail salon.

On to plan B, which really should have been plan A all along: Kelly's Coffee. My namesake.

Upon entering the coffee shop in this quiet town on an overcast day, I was met with a bustling establishment. Most of the tables were filled, the two baristas furiously preparing drinks behind the bar and a young man taking orders at the cash register.

I bought a coffee (real, not instant!) and a while chocolate scone. Both, fantastic. I sat at a table by myself for a while writing a blog entry, enjoying being indoors. All the while staring at this row of coffee cups lining the bar that had been drawn on with sharpie. I couldn't discern a common theme, aside from all mentioned the coffee shop.

I asked a guy working behind the counter what it takes to draw on one of the cups. He said, well, you have to be a member of the local high school art class.

I responded with, my last name is Kelly and I've been riding a bicycle for nearly four months. Any chance you can make an exception?


He handed me a large cup, I dug my sharpie from the depths of my pannier (the real question is why am I carrying a sharpie... the weight...), and got started.

Yeah, I know it says the 11th of August. I'm behind on posting these...

I really hope they put it up on the bar. When you pass through Richland Center, go check it out.

While hanging out at the coffee shop, a guy introduced himself as the owner of a bike shop right around the corner. I dropped by after grabbing coffee.

We swapped adventure stories and he hooked me up with some replacement brakepads and cables. Thank you!

Another two hours later, I stopped at a Culver's, a suggestion from my coworker Sara who grew up in the area. I ordered exactly what she said: a bacon butter burger with cheese curds and a milkshake.

Fantastic suggestion, it was delicious.

Although I noticed my pace slowed down a little bit after...

Eventually I arrived in Madison and head straight for the 7-eleven near the university.


Remember how I lost my sunglasses in Minnesota? I ordered a new pair from Amazon and had them shipped to one of the three lockers in Madison.

This one is named Humphrey:

You just walk up, type in a six character code and a door pops open.

Dang, that is cool.

It was my first experience with an Amazon Locker and I'm impressed. Insanely easy, and with Prime, you still get the two day delivery time. For traveling, I can buy anything Amazon and have it sent to one of these convenient lockers - completely bypassing all the shenanigans with general delivery at a post office.

The post office could be closed. Or not accept general delivery. However, Humphrey is always there, in a gas station open 24/7.

Go technology!

Another Madison suggestion from Sara was to visit the local lakes. What better time than late evening to enjoy them.


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