Day 91, the warmshowers that found me

More of the usual today.

Nothing to report on the ride except smooth sailing.

Towards late afternoon, I stopped in a grocery store to grab some provisions. My standard grocery store fillup consists of an apple or two (Envy and Braeburns are my favorite), some bananas, bulk nuts if they are available and some greek yogurt.

This store was decently sized, and the catalyst for choosing this particular location was the advertising out front.

They claimed to have boneless bananas. Investigation yielded nothing out of the ordinary - must be the product of a humorous (or lazy employee).

But inside I found Hedgeballs in the produce section, right next to the apples.

Why would you ever place a non-edible fruit in an area surrounded by other fruits and vegetables... especially when it looks like an edible fruit.

Some Googling informed me that the Osage Orange Tree bears this fruit - a tree known for its natural termite resistance and extremely strong wood.

But I couldn't find any use for the fruit. Anyone know why the grocery store would be selling them?

Upon leaving this strange store, I pedaled down the main street in Huron. From the other side of the street, some folks in a minivan rolled down their window and asked me, where are you heading?.

Boston, I replied.

I could see them merge into the middle lane and start to pull into a parking lot. I turned around and coasted into that parking lot.

The driver, Mia, immediately asked if I needed a place to stay. I told them I had previously scouted out the local city park and was planning on camping there, but I'd much rather sleep in a bed.

The passenger, Eric, said he was a member of warmshowers and had a guest bedroom for me tonight.


Eric, the warmshowers host that found me.

While they finished running some errands, I rode to his house and got cleaned up. Exhausted, I fell asleep before they returned.
