Day 90, interesting title goes here

Riding all day through fields is impacting my ability to think of titles for the blog post.

Just more fields.

I dropped in a local place called Chops for breakfast. I actually wanted to eat dinner there last night, but they close somewhat early. I am glad I made it.

The staff were wonderful and cheerful and the food was delicious - a breakfast burrito paired with several cups of coffee. For lunch on the road, a turkey and cranberry sandwich with a peanut butter & jelly cookie. Yum!

The next fifty miles were pretty monotonous.

I ride with a small bluetooth speaker on the front of my bike so I can listen to music or podcasts. It is a lifesaver.

I'm considering grabbing some audio books to listen while on the road, but the road noise might make that a bit hard. The music doesn't require too much concentration.

For the last several years, I've curated a monthly playlist on Spotify. Since April, that practice has waned, but all older playlists provide ample listening material. A friend from home also does the same thing, and I am thankful he still creates them regularly.

An hour or two before sunset, I arrived in Highmore. The town has a nice little camping area where I setup and cooked up some rice I found in the depths of my bags.

A storm rolled in and moved on, but not before getting all my gear nice and damp, just as I'm about to go to bed.
