Day 81, blessed are those who live out their dreams

That is the quote painted in Frank's living room.

Once again, everyone ate breakfast together: the climbing guides, the guests, the cyclist camping on the lawn, the other climbers that showed up... and Frank!

I thankfully had the chance to meet him in the morning and listen to his stories during breakfast. He is quite an inspiring character - truly living out his dreams.

I sat next to Sean again, and his family from Minnesota; Julia, Jack & PJ. We talked a lot about mountain biking and they invited me to stay with them if I happen to pass through their town. Hopefully we can go on a trail ride (I'll have to borrow a mountain bike) when I visit.

The view of Devil's Tower from Frank's dinning room.

On the topic of mountain biking, in late August I am flying back to Oregon to spend a week with family. In addition to witnessing the solar eclipse, I plan to explore all the trails around Bend via mountain bike. I went out for a few days last year and had a blast.

As the guests at Frank's lodge trickled out, I left the Devil's Tower and set off towards South Dakota.

I want to climb this thing. Next time.

I'm still in awe that I made it to South Dakota.

Almost immediately upon entering Spearfish, South Dakota, I met Woody and Brent. Woody runs a local tech startup focusing on camping reservations. What a coincidence... He had a place for me to spend the night and handed me the keys.

Woody is embarking on a 4500 mile bicycle ride starting August 1st. Once I get some details, I'll share his blog.

The evening turned stormy after this beautiful sunset:

I took some video of the persistant heat lightning filling up the sky that night. But I haven't figured out how to edit it on the road... Until I can get it cleaned up and uploaded, take my word, it is mind blowing.


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