Day 78, ten thousand feet

I really underestimated this hill. For some reason, I thought the pass was close to the rock climbing trailhead I ascended to yesterday.

I was wrong.

View from the top!

Eventually, I made it to the peak. While admiring the view and eating a makeshift lunch, I met Nancy & Cathy.

Both were intrigued about the trip and we had a wonderful conversation at 10,000 feet.

The ride down was interesting. There were five 8% grades, which is incredible to ride down, but each had a massive hill in between.

So, rollers blown out of proportion.

Once again, if you haven't seen the Bighorns, get out here and explore.

I arrived in Buffalo Wyoming in the early afternoon. With nothing to do, I putted around town, explored the area and found a massive (and free) public pool.

After camping in the bush for a few days, the pool felt incredibly refreshing.

Not many restaurants were open, so I stopped at the saloon for a beer and a bite to eat. Guess who I saw inside?

Nancy & Cathy.

We started chatting again and eventually ended up at paying it forward. Firm believers, I showed them a card I picked up from Sheila & Rusty's place back in Idaho. It says Do something good for someone this week. I try to live by that phrase, and I think it resonated with them as well.

After leaving the saloon, I pitched my tent alongside the creek running through town. It is dark, but I bet I'll have an epic photo for tomorrow.

In the meantime, here is evening in the park.


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