Day 77, rock climbing

I was still on the fence about going climbing. Although I didn't have any plans aside from riding east, I really wanted to get the hill out of the way and make it to Ragbrai.

But, having no plans means you can be spontaneous. Seth convinced me to go climbing. He had plans to ride to a remote location in the afternoon and hike to an ice climbing area for a multiple day trek. That meant we had about four hours to learn to climb. And belay. And tie knots.

Seth gave me a crash course in the safety elements of climbing and we took off. The hike was a strenuous, half hour climb from our campsite. He had a easy (for the area) 5.8 climb planned.

Seth getting ready for the climb.

I'm hooked.

I'm way up there...

With only time for one climb, we hiked back down, packed up and both left.

Seth & his adventure-mobile.

I road up the hill for two and a half miles before stopping at a small lodge for water. Inside I met two runners, scouting out the area for runs to take their team. One of them, Sean, recently moved to the area to coach for a local school.

Sean also attended and ran for Chico State! I have a good friend that did the same, and although the two didn't know each other, they knew a lot of the same people. Small world!

While sitting at the lodge, I see Seth pull up on his motorcycle. Apparently, the route he planned to hike and climb was no longer safe due to the rapidly melting snow.

Want to go climb some more?


We met at a picnic area a few miles up the road and hiked to another climbing spot. This area was filled with other climbers.

Unbeknownst to us, the easier route we planned to climb (for my sake) was the route currently occupied by the two girls. Seth started setting up quick draws on the route to the left, a much more difficult 11B.

It took a little climbing magic to move over to the other route, but it worked out.

We hiked along the rocks to another route that would be slightly more difficult. Seth ascended with ease, I struggled for what seemed like an hour.

Seth at the top, rappelling himself down.

From this rock, the view was magnificent. Seriously, if you are considering visiting Yellowstone, add the Bighorns to your itinerary.

Per usual, the sky opened up in the evening and started pouring. Thankfully, the rain only lasted a few minutes.

