Update, the Fourth of July

aka: my radio silence since last Friday.

I spent the fourth of July camping with some friends. I did a lot of nothing, except for eating, easily gaining about ten pounds.

It is really hard to stop eating so much when you take a short break from cycling, but it sure adds up after a few days.

But I did manage to take some neat photos with my new phone. Enjoy:

Taking a quick break on the side of the road en route to the campsite. My bike is beyond dirty.

Strapping a dinosaur pinata to the front of the car, because this Fourth of July is dinosaur themed.

This is Zimmerman, Alex & Jaycee's red heeler.

Whenever we camp at this spot, we always take a little drive to the fire lookout and watch the sunset:

And the mountains opposite the setting sun.

We also have some pretty amazing sunrises across the lake.

Looks like the forest is on fire.

Aldo, CeCe's blue heeler, and Zimmerman's best friend.


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