Day 61 & 62, rendevous

Today, Austin planned to meet me a few miles north of Salmon at a nice BLM campground on the river.

Jack had some transmission issues with his motorcycle and was traveling to Boise to get it fixed, so he planned to arrive the next day.

I met the camp host, Pete. He saw me making coffee and invited me over to join him.

That is Charlie. The other dog, Buddy, gets a little too hyper for photographs.

He spends summers at campsites with his two dogs, Charlie and Buddy. And he has quite an amazing view of the Salmon River from his spot; the river raging in his own backyard.

I headed in town to check out the brand new library Pete told me about. I needed to update some things anyways and eventually pick up some groceries to make dinner.

The library was perfect - comfortable and air conditioned, with decently fast internet.

For dinner I picked up vegetables to make hobo stew, my camping specialty. I chop and combine the following ingredients in a tin foil pouch with a packet of butter and pepper:

  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Italian Sausage
  • Celery

Austin passed me on the highway heading back to the campground. In addition to grilling the hobo stew on the campfire, I also tossed some corn on, still in the husk. Which is the best way to grill corn. The husk locks in the moisture and the corn is cooked perfectly every time - hot yet still a bit crisp.

Austin's sweet motorcycle

The next morning we were surprised and relieved that the river didn't flood our site. I took this just before the sun set:

We didn't have much planned for today either: go to the library, have lunch at a place recommended by Pete and buy more groceries for dinner.

The lunch spot is called the Pork Peddler, a delicious BBQ joint that also serves deep fried macaroni & cheese.

Jack informed us his transmission was fixed and he'd arrive later that afternoon. Woot, he is no longer stranded!

Dinner was vegetable skewers. We bought shrimp but couldn't reliably affix them to the wooden sticks, so we just wrapped them up in foil and tossed them on the grill.

We built a massive fire from driftwood and enjoyed the mosquito-less evening.


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