Milestone, 60 days


Riding everyday feels normal. New towns and new friendly faces feels normal. It is hard to believe that I've been on the road for two months.

My plan is to head up to Missoula, and meet up with my friend Grace. We're going to drive to Alturas, California for a fourth of July celebration with some friends. I'm really looking forward to it, especially because this will be the first year I'm not attending my family's annual fourth of July blowout in Yosemite. These friends are family, so it will just be an extension of the Yosemite celebration.

Towards the end of the first week in July, I'll begin the journey east again. Believe it or not, but I've been riding due north for over a month now.

To everyone: I really appreciate the comments, emails, suggestions, etc. I may not have the chance to respond to everyone, but rest assured, I read it all. And I really appreciate it.

And to all souls I've met on the road: you make my day. And my trip.

I know I've stated this before, but the whole journey is about meeting amazing people.

Onward to Boston!


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