Day 59, the homestead

I headed over to the Rod-N-Gun in Stanley to join Johnny Ray and Eve for coffee. We sipped some coffee and watched MASH for a while.

Johnny Ray thought the coffee tasted fine, Eve wasn't a fan. I thought it was great - thankful it wasn't instant coffee.

My morning ride seems to be starting later and later, with the exception of yesterday. It is nice not having a plan, being able to enjoy company and have a morning coffee from the comfort of a building.

Around 11am I said farewell to Johnny Ray and Eve, and headed back towards Challis.

The ride was incredibly easy, all downhill and all familiar scenery.

I called George (from the brewery) and told him I'd be back in town late afternoon.

George's homestead is just beyond those trees in the distance

He is completely off the grid. Solar panels behind the straw bale house keep the electricity flowing.

The property has a little stream and pond, a massive greenhouse for growing food and a yurt!

The vegetable greenhouse

I setup my tent in a flat spot by the house, within earshot of the creek.

In desperate need of a shower, I headed just two miles down the road to the Challis Hot Springs. They have two pools, a larger one around 98 degrees and a smaller one around 105 degrees.

Both are crystal clear and very relaxing. My muscles thoroughly enjoyed soaking in the hottest pool. I hope they feel rejuvenated tomorrow.

The hot spring facility

When I returned to George's property, Ian (the resident of the yurt) taught me the basics of fly fishing.

I'm not very good, but I think with some practice, I could get the hang of it. We didn't catch anything, but my fingers are crossed for Ian in the future.


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