Day 49, more fantastic people

I packed up quickly, ate the rest of my turkey sandwich and started heading out of the camping area.

Near the single outhouse, I met Roy, who offered me a cup of coffee to kickstart the day. I was relieved, because the nearest service was 30 miles away.

Roy took me to his parent's fifth-wheel and handed me some coffee. He introduced me to his parents, Yvonne & Dennis (I actually talked to Yvonne briefly last night), and his wife, Jerica.

They told me nearly the entire campground was filled with their family - a big reunion celebrating the grand parents, Yvonne and her five siblings. All of their children and their children's children were there, amounting to numerous tents and at least 30 trailers / RVs.

And everyone had an ATV. Quite an adventurous family.

Jerica, Roy and their Daughter. Yvonne and Dennis on the right. The two in the middle just wandered into the photo!

I said farewell and wished them a wonderful reunion.

Not before long I was in Wyoming.

The sun was unavoidable.

I asked around for a lunch recommendation and everyone said to eat at Rocky Mountain Seafood.

And that was a great recommendation. I had a delicious basket of fried Ahi Tuna, with fries and slaw.

One of the employees came over to my table and talked to me for a bit about the adventure. Elsa, lives in Afton, Wyoming, moving there about 17 years ago from San Diego.

I can see why she loves the area - the Star Valley is beautiful and the people are wonderful. A peaceful place, devoid of a city's hustle & bustle.


Thank you Elsa for picking up my lunch, I truly appreciate it. You are an amazing, generous person - the best part about my ride across the county.

Not quite ready to ride (and needing to digest), I headed to the library to blog. There I met Holly, who offered me a place to stay tonight, but I declined, hoping to get a few more miles in. I may have also convinced Holly to go on a cycle tour, a goal of hers. Holly, please let me know when you embark on your journey on the east coast!

While blogging, I noticed another cycle tourist riding down the street. I tried to flag her down, but was unsuccessful. I haven't seen another cyclist on the road since I left Bryce Canyon. Where is everyone?

Afton, Wyoming

Although the wind picked up (a particularly nasty 10+ mph headwind), the scenery is so stunning, I hardly cared.

Actually, that is a lie. I definitely screamed at the wind a few times, as I slogged in my lowest gear, trying to get down a hill. I debated several times about flagging down a pickup, but I figured I could make it to Alpine Wyoming before nightfall.

My destination goal was Melvin Brewing.

Walking inside I felt like a regular. Andrea walked up to me and informed me that she passed me on the road multiple times, debating whether to offer me a ride or not...

She is a former employee of the brewery, now living nearby and taking a little break, hoping to go on a bicycle tour in the near future. I think that is a great idea. She has a dog, so there are some logistical hurdles, but I bet the dog would be a great travel companion.

Andrea also suggested I camp in the BLM land next to the brewery. Which is a fantastic idea, because it started raining and I wasn't too keen on riding three miles south to the campground I scouted out earlier.

The brewery had several double IPA's on tap, which I sampled all of. I'm impressed.

While sampling the beer I chatted with all the other patrons, most of them employees of the brewery.

I honestly felt at home.

Thank you everyone at Melvin for welcoming a weary cyclist. I appreciate all the suggestions and recommendations. And most importantly, the conversation.

I setup my tent in the rain next to an old bus / motorhome. I hope it blocks the wind.


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