Day 44, onward to Park City

I should clarify onward.

I'm traveling by public transportation today. Since I am not a purist, I don't mind hopping on a bus or train to get somewhere.

The truth is my legs are exhausted, and I cannot fathom another 50 miles of riding today - especially with a 5000 foot climb. I am a little disappointed, because both Jeff (my friend in Park City) and David (cycle tourist in Orem) suggested the ride and said it was beautiful.

Next time.

The bus from Salt Lake City to Park City targets commuters, so I had two hours to kill before the bus started running. I chose to grab a burger at Proper Burger and sample the beer at Proper Brewing next door.

Both were solid. The beer, once again, is all 4%, which makes everything taste the same (within the same style).

Pint depleted, I caught the bus, but not before taking everything off my bike to make it fit on the rack.

Jeff picked me up at the bus stop near his house and commented that my bags were heavy while putting them in the truck.

Before I start the next big leg of this trip, I'll definitely remove a few more things.

Jeff has a stunning house on the hill overlooking Park City. We ate some slices of pizza on the deck, enjoyed a beer and plotted routes through Idaho.

I can't wait.


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