Day 35, unlimited pizza

After mulling over plans with a couple cups of coffee, I opted to stay another day at the campsite and do nothing. All day.

At the time, I planned on exploring the Coral Pink Sand Dunes. I just couldn't get on the bike.

Prior to last night, I wild camped five days in a row. Paired with five days of riding (including three 70 mile days), I think today is a well deserved rest.

The only real mission objective was lunch. I saw this sign on a pizza place in town: Lunch Buffet $5.49. Part of me wanted to buy a sandwich or wrap - healthier than pizza and definitely a more manageable portion. I couldn't resist.

I walked in around one o'clock and the place was packed. That's a good sign.

The pizza was alright, nothing fancy, but tasty. They also had salad (which I stocked up on, a bit deficient on greens) and bread sticks (useless filler, in my opinion).

While eating, I met Jeff, from just outside of Salt Lake City. Jeff is in town volunteering at the Earthfest. An avid cyclist, his bike was strapped to the back of his truck. In fact, he is planning a three month tour starting July 1st. Epic!

This is where the stars align. Just this morning, over coffee, I sent out dozens of warmshowers requests for hosting in ten days in Salt Lake City. The complicated bit is that I need to leave my bike at the hosts place for a week while I fly to Boston. Originally, I thought I'd bring my bike to Boston and continue the tour there, but I really want the accomplishment of riding completely across the country.

Jeff offered to let me stay at his place and leave my bike there for a week. The universe works in strange ways. If I wasn't hangaring for unlimited pizza, I would have never met Jeff.

It gets better.

He also gave me some great ideas for places to ride on my tour through Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. Jeff is well traveled in the area and knows all the best roads - an invaluable resource.

On a cycle tour, you get tired pedaling, but it is also mentally exhausting thinking about all the other variables: a place to sleep, filling up on water, brushing teeth, routes, etc. Having the peace of mind that I have a safe place to store my bike in Salt Lake City is incredibly relieving.

Anyways, no matter how much unlimited pizza you eat, you're still hungry.

Back at the campsite I chatted with Michael and Sharon. Well seasoned travelers, they have a camper on their pickup and travel everywhere. Plus, they have mountain bikes strapped to the front. I'm a bit envious of that setup - the luxury of getting places and the adventure of riding bikes.

Michael told me all about their adventures, including facing off with a bull moose on a narrow trail while mountain biking. It was already getting dark and they were ten miles out from camp. And I think it was snowing.

No photos today, just a wall of text.


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