Day 31, watching the sun rise

The alarm on my phone woke me up at 430. Daylight happens so quickly and I wanted to catch the sun rise over the Grand Canyon.

I've got wild camping down - I can be on my bike pedaling less than thirty minutes after waking up (but unfortunately does not include breakfast).

I hiked out of the woods and rode to a spot I scoped out the day before. I was the only one there.

My spot was incredible, standing on a rock lurched on the edge of the canyon.

In need of some coffee, I scouted out two places in the village. Just too expensive. The kicker was at the second establishment, when I asked about refills - the cashier replied with, "there are people in line behind you."

Ok, I'll go elsewhere. Dave, you taught me well.

So I rode back to town, about 5 miles downhill from the park. Not a problem.

Afternoon was designated for chores; laundry and shower. While at the laundry facilities, I ran into Emiel, who is cycle touring around the southwest. We chatted yesterday at the sandwich shop in town. He mentioned then that he planned to hike the Grand Canyon today. He did - all the way to the bottom.

He also started at 4am. At least it was nice and cool that early... Emiel wrote about the descent into the canyon on his blog. Check it out!

I wish I could have done the same, but I think the hike would not be safe in bike shoes with clips. Next time (maybe in the converted camper van)...

From there, I pedaled as far as I could before dark, about an hour from the Desert View campground in the park. Wild camping again, I setup in a substantially more open area than last night and it was so windy. Reminiscent of the winds Dave & I experienced camping at Gaviota Beach.


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