Day 23, struggling to get down a hill

This is a bit hypocritical, but I had another massive ride. I know, just a few days ago I stated I would be trying to keep the miles down.

Unfortunately, in the desert, the areas to refill on water or rest are very far apart. Plus I committed to a warm showers host that I would be there - and I would really enjoy not camping for another day.

That puts 80 miles of desert between me and my bed.

There was a headwind leaving Laughlin, but that is nothing new. If you're getting tired of photos looking down the road, I apologize. Here is another one:

I stopped to rest only ten minutes into the ride, the first climb of the day. Looking back down at Laughlin.

At the top of the 2500 foot climb, I was greeted by my new favorite sign.

In addition, a chain of three cars cheered as they passed me. That kind of support is motivating and satisfying.

On a side note, a lot of motorcyclists gesture in a supportive manner as they pass me. Every little bit helps.

As I rode downhill, my speed plummeted as well. Damn headwind.

That magic rock must really be building up it's power... Speaking of the magic rock:

Given to me by Dan with no last name in Desert Hot Springs, California


During our chance encounter, I was refilling my water bottles at a McDonald's and Dan saw me in the parking lot and hustled over. He said, "I have a magic rock for you."

I've had one fantastic day of riding with the magic rock, the rest have been... more difficult. My brother, Henry, suggested it's slowly accumulating energy and will surge at the right moment.

I think he is right.


The next 50 miles en route to Boulder City looked like this:

Exciting, huh?

Upon arrival, I was greeted by a fantastic couple, David & Barbara, my warmshowers hosts for the evening. David handed me a beer, turned on the oven and proceeded to convince me to pick up Oragami Kayaking.

For the next adventure.


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