Day 21 & 22, the Colorado River

I took two days off - I need to plan my next week and rest a bit. The last few rides were exhausting.

And I also need a haircut.

I found this tiny little barber shack in a do-it-yourself car wash parking lot.

The barber was incredible; she took care of my unruly mop, provided water for hydration and suggested an awesome little day trip ride. There is a bike trail that runs along the Colorado River on the Nevada side.

The trail was scenic, and more importantly, had no cars. There was also tons of these shaded picnic enclosures.

I parked at one and hopped in the river. Cold and relaxing.

When I resume the ride, I'll head up towards Boulder City to see the Hoover Dam. After I'll proceed towards Flagstaff and eventually, the Grand Canyon.
