Day 18, Joshua Tree

Well, I didn't plan on going to Joshua Tree, but I am glad I did.

I left Palm Springs at nearly noon, trudging along the wind farms towards the mountains.

Windmills everywhere

I stopped briefly in Desert Hot Springs to pick up some lunch. It was there I met Dan, with no last name. He gave me a magic rock for my journey. So far, so good.

Desert Hot Springs to Yucca Valley was a bit of a nightmare - narrow shoulder and a relentless climb.

I was expecting to get several more miles (easily 20 - 30 more miles) but the climb decimated my stamina.

From the top of the climb

Throwing out the old plans, I found a coffee shop with free Internet and researched the area. Backcountry camping in Joshua Tree seemed fine; the new plan to bike into the park, go off trail and setup camp.

It took me a while to find a decent spot - out of the way, flat and easy to bring (push) a loaded touring bike. I dropped the bike several times due to the soft sand on the trails.

I finally found a spot next to a massive mound of boulders - great for climbing and taking photos:

No one, as far as you can see

I also found this colorful plant/cactus thing:

The desert's flora is somewhat alien

And finally, the famed Joshua Tree:

Of the thousands, I liked this one the best

Dinner was excellent - I stopped at a grocery store in town and picked up some great deli items to make wraps. Sure beats ramen, and having to wash dishes after cooking ramen.

Goodnight all.
