Day 14, Griffith Observatory

I opted to stay another day in Los Angeles and visit the Griffth Observatory.

The climb to the top was quite grueling, especially with the omni-present L.A. headwind. Your direction does not matter, there is always a headwind.

Once at the top, I was rewarded with some impressive views:

The Griffith Observatory

Hollywood sign off in the distance

Something that aligns with the cosmos

A couple approached me while I was devouring a granola bar at the top, inquiring about the climb. I told them it was nothing compared to riding to the L.A. from S.F.

Both informed me they had diabetes - at the time I was wearing my Tour de Cure jersey - expressing their thanks for events like the Tour de Cure, and those who volunteer & ride for a cause.

The vast cityscape of L.A.

Later that evening, Brian and I walked to a gastropub for dinner. The sun setting looked more like the apocalypse.

Tomorrow I move on.
