Day 11, venturing east

With some route suggestions from our warmshowers host Mike, Dave and I started riding towards Los Angeles.

Typical of Saturday morning, there were tons of cyclists on the road. One was quite interested in our journey and suggested we follow him on a picturesque bike trail running along the bluffs. He offered to let us stay at his place in Ventura, but we were hoping to get a bit further, and declined.

I picked up a couple of pink lady apples along the side of the road from a small produce stand - they were fantastic.

On the way to Ventura, there is a coastal bike trail that follows the highway, but with a much better view and the safety of not having any cars on the road.

Another cyclist, Art, pedaled up to me and started inquiring about our destination, bikes and gear. Art is a charter pilot, undertaking his first century ride. I may be riding for a while, but I haven't been close to a hundred mile day. Kudos, Art.

We chatted for at least half an hour, until the road took us in different directions.

Fleeting conversations like those really enrich the touring experience.

Dave and I setup camp in Toland Park, roughly 17 miles north east of Ventura. Earlier, I found a couple of suitable places to stay, yet after pedaling up the massive hill to check out Toland Park, we didn't feel like going anywhere else.

Both of us were prepared for a much more rugged environment, filling our water bladders at our previous rest stop (and hauling that water up previously mentioned hill). Toland park had restrooms and water - including a spigot that Dave calls a shower.

Cooking up a delicious meal


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