Day 2, rain

So, I learned a few things today.

First, I really, really need waterproof bike pants. Second, I need those waterproof covers for your shoes.

While sipping coffee from the comfort of Deb & Julie's house, rain poured​ outside. However, by the time we opened the garage to leave, the sky was overcast and dry. Interpreting that as a good omen, we pedaled to Gilroy. I bought and demolished a breakfast burrito and grabbed a donut for the road.

Dave spotted a classic car shop, so we stopped and chatted with one of the employees at the front desk, Esther. Their shop will service really old cars, so they had array of classics parked inside, waiting for obscure parts. And in the window next door, I found this beauty:

We continued and immediately got soaked - experiencing nearly non-stop rain from Gilroy to Hollister. Yet, from that point on, the weather behaved in our favor, tailwind and all.

In lieu of putting more miles on Highway 25, we opted for Cienega Road, which took us through the Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area. I'll definitely return with a mountain bike one day.

Cienega Road dumped us back on Highway 25 for the final leg of our journey. It included a seemingly endless and exhausting climb that required a package of poptarts to quell.

As for now, I'm sitting in my tent at a packed campground, full of cars and RVs. Not much to see here.


Pedaled: 60 miles

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