Day 1, departure

I woke up too many times last night; a bit of nerves and plenty of those dreams where you're constantly unable to find what you need. I spend over an hour packing my bike, discarding some non-essentials and desperately trying to remember anything I might need.

Despite a dry weather report, rain drizzled outside. I put on a rain jacket, said love you to my folks and slogged over to Dave's house.

And... I'm off. I can barely lift that bike.

Dave whipped up a fantastic scramble with eggs from his chickens and homemade bread. You have to start a full day of riding with a solid breakfast.

Dave and I rode over to the BART station and took the train as far south as we could: Warm Springs.

From Warm Springs, we navigated the multi-laned thoroughfares through the South Bay for roughly half our journey. My only comment: so many cars. The second half of the ride was a more pleasant country rode with less traffic, but unfortunately, a nasty side-wind.

Finally, we arrived in Morgan Hill, greeted by our hosts for the night, Deb & Julie. They prepared an incredible stuffed manicotti bake, and paired with a cold Easy Jack, it hit the spot. Deb & Julie are wonderful, and I am thankful they shared their house with us for the evening.

As for now, bedtime.

On a side note, I forgot my braeburn apple at my parents house :(